It’s understandable that, at first glance, looking at the different product names housed within Locations can be confusing. There are different acronyms in place, as well as different abbreviations. What we have done here at Ocra is attempted to standardized product names within the Ocra app, so that our employees can quickly decipher rates. This means that there are slight variations in Ocra when compared to what customers may name their rates, but they still translate to the channels as the desired rate.

Most, if not all, product names are built from several essential building blocks detailed below:

Building Blocks

Days of the Week Abbreviations

Product Type Abbreviations

While Product Type is its own structured attribute for Products, it’s not reliably visible in all pages/views in the Ocra app. It’s also not visible on the backend of demand channels (control panels, etc.). Therefore, we include an abbreviation for Product Type in the product name so that context is everywhere.

Parking Type Abbreviation used in Product Name
Garage Ground Floor GGF
Self - Covered SC
Self - Covered (Oversized) SCO
Self - Curbside SB
Self - Curbside (Oversized) SBO
Self - Indoor SI
Self - Indoor (Oversized) SIO
Self - Rooftop SR
Self - Rooftop (Oversized) SRO
Self - Uncovered SU
Self - Uncovered (Oversized) SUO
Valet - Covered VC
Valet - Covered (Oversized) VCO
Valet - Curbside VB
Valet - Curbside (Oversized) VBO
Valet - Indoor VI
Valet - Indoor (Oversized) VIO
Valet - Rooftop VR
Valet - Rooftop (Oversized) VRO
Valet - Uncovered VU
Valet - Uncovered (Oversized) VUO

Product Groups

Product Groups are the main component to each product name. They classify the days and times to which the products belong.

Product Group Name Definition Examples
Early Bird, [Days of Week] arrive by [x:xx] A special rate available early in the morning, requiring arrival by a specific local timestamp, such as 8:59am. * Early Bird, Tue-Thu arrive by 8:59 (SU)

*Sunday (SU) |