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Blackouts apply only to reservation pricings.

There are 3 types of blackouts that Ocra can execute; 2 of these are automated and 1 is manual.

<aside> ⚠️ Pre-Requisites: You must be subscribed to “Blackouts” under Solutions to utilize this function. Read more about Solutions here, or Contact your salesperson for more info.


Automated Blackouts

  1. Online-stalls blackout (location-level): When the total number of transactions for the location exceeds the online stalls for the location, regardless of attribution to a specific location product
  2. Location product blackout aka inventory blackout (same thing): When transactions attributed to the specific location product in question are over the inventory allotted to them. Defaults to online stalls for the location but can be updated via the Universal Inventory functionality.

How to View Automated Blackouts

  1. Log into Ocra:

  2. Navigate to the menu, and click on “Universal Inventory”

  3. Type the location you wish to see in the Location dropdown

  4. The view will automatically show in Day view, but can be toggled into “Month” view. You can then also adjust the calendar to look in the past or future months.

  5. From the day view, greyed out bars indicate where an automated blackout has been triggered based on sales. Simply click one to view the details.

    The Day view will show a particular date, broken down by the half-hour:


    The Month view will show the inventory for each day of that month in a calendar format:

    Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 10.22.39 AM.png

Manual Blackouts

How to View Manual Blackouts

  1. Log into Ocra:

  2. Navigate to the menu, and click on “Blackouts”

  3. You can then enter in the search tool the name of the blackout, the location, and the blackout’s status: Current, Expired, or Deleted.

    1. No worries if you can’t remember the name of a particular blackout. You can enter the location and all of the blackouts tied to that location will pull up based on the status selected.


  4. After you’ve entered in the information, the blackout(s) will populate beneath the search form.

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